With increased levels of litigiousness within the financial industry, how confident are you that your insurance contract covers all of your investment practices? Take a few minutes to receive your RIASURE Review. No application required.
Our RIASURE Review will analyze your fiduciary exposures, provide rate details and comparisons, and provide a contract comparison.
At Golsan Scruggs, we believe it is incumbent upon us to earn the right to be appointed as your insurance and risk-management agent. Our RIASURE Review process exists to serve that purpose.
To obtain your complimentary RIASURE Review, please provide the following information or contact us at (800)273-5883. Fields marked with * are required.
Schwab OpenView MarketSquare™ is a service of Schwab Intelligent Technologies™ and provides consolidated ratings and reviews of technology solutions made by independent investment advisors. Unless otherwise noted, reviewed technology vendors are not affiliated with Schwab. Ratings and reviews do not express or imply any opinion or endorsement by Schwab of any participating vendor or product.